All long time ago...
...in a galaxy far, far away...
What I Used:
Sally Hansen: Double Duty Base & Top Coat
Opi: Black Onyx
Sally Hansen: Hard to Get (white),
Sally Hansen: Glass Slipper (clear glitter)
China Glaze: Yellow Polka-Dot Bikini, Flip Flip Fantasy (pink), Electric Beat (blue)
Tiny pieces of Sponge
Dotting tools
After applying your base coat, paint all of your nails black. |
Using small cut up pieces of sponge that you can find around the house, dip it in the white paint and carefully... |
....dab patterns on to your nails like the above picture. Each should be different than the other. It may help to google 'universe' and look at a few pictures under google images. |
Next, sponge on some yellow on top of the white. |
Then add a little bit of the light pink on top of the yellow and white. You don't want to cover all of any color. Just subtly add more and more color to your galaxies. |
Next, sponge on dark blue to the outsides of your galaxies to give it the effect that it is disappearing into the blackness of space. It will also give your galaxies more definition. |
Last, paint on a coat of sparkly glitter polish, add a top coat to protect your masterpiece, and you're done! It's like having heaven on earth. :) |