Far away across the field
The tolling of the iron bell
Calls the faithful to their knees
To hear the softly spoken magic spells.."

- Dark Side of the Moon
What I Used:
Very fine nail art brushes
Sally Hanson: Double Duty Top & Base Coat
Opi: Black Onyx
Milani: White Canvas
China Glaze: Fuchsia Fanatic, Sun Worshipper, Yellow Polka Dot Bikini, Kiwi Cool-Ada, Kinetic Candy, Gothic Lolita
After applying your base coat, paint all of your nails black. |
Paint a white triangle on your middle finger. |
Next, paint a curved white line that moves towards your index finger. |
On your index finger, paint a thin, white line with a slight downwards slant...towards your thumb. |
In order to get the most out of the lighter colors in the rainbow, paint your nails white where you want the rainbow to be. You want them to look like they are connected (flowing together) as much as possible. You will need to do this on the middle, ring and pinky fingers (like the above picture). The white paint should increase in width from the triangle to the ring finger, to the pinky finger. It helps to look at the actual album cover to see how the rainbow gets wider the further it is from the triangle. |
The hardest and most tedious part are the individual colors of the rainbow. You need the lines to be as thin and straight as possible. Practice on a piece of paper first. If you think you have a fine, nail art brush, you don't. It may help to cut some of the strands to make it even thinner. Start with red and work your way down the rainbow. Notice how the blue on the album cover is much lighter than the rest of the colors. ;) It makes a small difference. |
After you get through rainbow hell, apply the top coat and you're finally done. These nails are cool. Everyone will be impressed. :) |
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